> > I've been told that contrary to what I thought, i4ldeveloper is a
> > closed mailing list.
> AFAIK it's a well-kept secret (well, it was :-) that people who are
> interested in ISDN4Linux development (but not active developers
> themselves) may get a subscription if they ask nicely. I think the
> reluctance to make it fully open is the experience with the isdn4linux
> mailing list, which has an astounding amount of traffic.
And doesn't that incidate a great _need_ to open up and EXPAND
the ISDN base for both users and developers ?
Isn't this attitude of keeping the door closed the basis for most
of the other ensuing problems for the "last 5 years", as Linus
noted in his public message of frustration in dealing with the
ISDN codebase and the people responisble for it ?
I suspect Linus's rage is just the tip of the iceberg !
> However, perhaps it should be archived somewhere publicly, that may help
> in that direction.
I sell self-contained ISP boxes in Australia that absolutely rely
on uptodate and usable ISDN code (no workie, no income = one more
linux based business down the drain) and Karsten was kind enough
to allow me access to both the CVS and the the i4ldeveloper list
which is exploded locally and archived here (FWIW) ;
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