I don't want to have to go buy a computer and put Whendoze on it. I
don't even really want to have to buy a PC.
I've only looked at one camera so far (Nikon Coolpix 950), and it would
seem to have a serial interface but it has proprietary drivers for getting the
pictures from the camera to a PC, unless you get a memory card reader, which
connects to a PC parallel port and also uses proprietary software, for
Here, I run mostly Sparc systems, only one PC, most of the machines run
Linux (a few still run SunOS 4.1.4 owing to the lack of FDDI support for Sparc
machines running Linux)...
Can anybody tell me if there are any digital cameras that work under
Linux, preferably that aren't tied to the PC hardware architecture, preferably
in the megapixel range?
If that's not the case, are there any emulators that work under Linux that
emulate Whenbloze sufficiently well to allow software like that for the Coolpix
to work under Linux without having to boot up Whenblows?
I'd really like something that I can bring pictures into my workstation
without the need to switch hardware or boot a different OS. Thanks for any
advice you can offer.
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