bootsect.S could definitely be dropped, but I personally suspect it
would be a mistake to drop the setup. Otherwise the dependencies
between boot loader and kernel would be a lot more painful.
> The next step then would be to merge MILO(Alpha), MILO(Mips), LILO an=
> (Werner. we talked about that over dinner back at Linux-Kongre=
ss in
> W=FCrzburg, remember?) into a common bootloader for all architectur=
es. That
> should make life a bit easier for the distributors and documen=
> authors ...
> Are there any _REAL_ problems that would prevent this?
Well, except for the fact that booting is so incredibly different on
different architectures...
It would probably be quite a bit easier with the "lbcon" boot loader I'=
currently working on, if only because it runs in a 32-bit environment
and most of it is C code, compiled with gcc. That doesn't mean that
there needs to be code that is substantially different between the
various architectures.
The main reason I'm writing lbcon is because I think it will make doing
fancy stuff with initrd a lot less painful, and it should be easy to pu=
a nice user interface on it. That's the theory, at least...
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