|> To take the discussion one step further, one of my own personal pet
|> peeves is out of date/incorrect/inconsistent/missing man pages. Lot=
s of
|> people (myself included) habitually rely on man pages as THE RTFM
|> mechanism. It is infinitely annoying to read, e.g., the crypt() man
|> page and to see no reference to the fact that crypt, via libc6/glibc=
|> even some versions of libc5, now supports MD5 transparently or any
|> instructions on how to make that happen. Sure, it is in info libc,
|> three layers deep, as a crypt crossreference. info crypt, on the ot=
|> hand, returns the (obviously now obsolete) man page.
The latest libc docs have an entry for crypt. If the manual is install=
properly then "info crypt" will get you here.
Andreas Schwab "And now for something
schwab@suse.de completely different."
SuSE GmbH, Schanz=E4ckerstr. 10, D-90443 N=FCrnberg
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