>On Wed, 4 Aug 1999, Russell Nelson wrote:
>> > Woohoo! It is about time! I'm going to get rid of this damned
>> > real modem that I have now, and walk^H^H^H^H_RUN_ to the nearest
>> > store that sells PC-TEL Linmodems, and buy one immediately.
>>That's short-sighted, Mike. A Linmodem makes a perfectly fine telco
>>interface. It takes no more CPU than a buffered UART running at
>>57600. See http:/linmodems.org for reasonable uses of a linmodem.
>What a crock. If a Winmodem/linmodem whatever software modem did
>not use up a lot of CPU resources, then it would not suck so bad.
>If the two use the same amount of CPU, then the ones with DSP's
>should remove the DSP, and run just fine without the host CPU
>doing any more work.
>Software modems are a hardware ripoff in any situation no matter
>how anyone explains it to me. I see them as a total ripoff FOR
Dear Mike,
>Tea, Earl Grey, Hot...
please take one of that and calm down. There are people with no choice
other than ignoring their builtin modems (think Laptop. Think Palmtop).
There are some software-driven DSP modems (Lucent comes to mind),
which would be very nice having under Linux.
And there is the idea of pulling people with existing hardware from
Windows to Linux.
Kind regards
-- Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen -- hps@tanstaafl.de TANSTAAFL! Consulting - Unix, Internet, SecurityHutweide 15 Fon.: 09131 / 50654-0 "There ain't no such D-91054 Buckenhof Fax.: 09131 / 50654-20 thing as a free Linux"
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