>> your description is slightly confusing to me. Do you mean
>> (1) Either be on the list OR post with [lk], or
>> (2) Be on the list AND post with [lk]?
>There's another possibility (in use with some of the mailing
>lists I'm on).
>Subscribed users (or a selected subset thereof) can freely post
>to the list and all other posts to the list are moderated.
>Since 90% of the traffic seems to come from regulars, it doesn't
>put too much of a load on the moderators (volunteers??? preferably
>in 4 or 5 different timezones) and it really keeps the list clean.
Who volunteers to be the moderator?
A moderated list is a "closed" list IMHO. We might as well call
Linux "LinBSDux" if we do that.
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