There are some examples there you may find useful.
Ken Clark wrote:
> Hi folks. I recently upgraded to the 2.2 kernel, and hit the FAQ where you
> can't add an IPIP route without first creating a static host route to the
> remote gateway.
> So, instead of just the following in 2.0:
> /sbin/route add -net gw a.b.c.d tunl0
> I need to do this is 2.2:
> /sbin/route add -host a.b.c.d tunl0
> /sbin/route add -net gw a.b.c.d tunl0
> /sbin/route del -host a.b.c.d tunl0
> I am sure there is a good reason for the change. Could someone please
> explain it? In what respect was the 2.0 behavior "broken"?
> I have also heard that the new "ip" program can do this better, but the
> reality is this program doesn't ship with RH6, so comp.os.linux.networking
> is filling up with people asking why their tunnel setup isn't working.
> Could an option be added to the standard route command to handle this case?
> Thanks,
> Ken
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