Should this list be split between RELEASE and DEVELOPMENT??

Ben McCann (
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 07:10:21 -0400

In the wake of last week's spam attack, and the subsequent cleanup
performed by folks like David Miller, should we take time to reorganize
the mailing list?

I would personally like two lists, one for released kernel (2.0, 2.2) issues
and another for developmemt kernels (2.3, etc). There is a _lot_ of traffic
on this list that I would love to automatically sort into separate mailboxes
based on the mailing list address.

For example, 'linux-kernel-rel' and 'linux-kernel-dev'.

-Ben McCann

Ben McCann                              Indus River Networks
                                        31 Nagog Park
                                        Acton, MA, 01720
email:           web: 
phone: (978) 266-8140                   fax: (978) 266-8111

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