I'd do this with select(). What was your objection to it? It seems perfect.
If your driver is for an 8bit card, and you only want to wait on a state
change of bit 3 you could:
ioctl() // tell driver that you're interested in state change of bit 3
select() // use the exceptional state to indicate interesting thing has happened
ioctl() // ask current state of digital inputs
But by the way, what makes you think ioctls aren't interruptible? I have
a driver with a number of blocking ioctls, seems to be working fine, so far,
and I can kill blocked clients with ctl-C (sigint). They just get waken
from their waitqueue...
If there is a problem with this, I'd really like to know!
-- Sam Roberts (sam@cogent.ca), Cogent Real-Time Systems (www.cogent.ca) "News is very popular among its readers." - RFC 977 (NNTP)
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