I believe the event happens asynchronously to any code. If the app is
supposed to do anything else while waiting, it will be neccessary to spawn a
separate thread in order to wait for the event.
The two approaches remain send a signal or wait (via select(), read() or
ioctl()) for the driver to return.
The tradeoffs I can think of include the following:
1. Latency. Signal may be slightly faster, since I believe that it is
checked first. This depends heavily on how separate threads are scheduled in
2. Exact count of events. If you need to know exactly how many times the
event occurred, you need to use one of the other methods. With signal, you
would potentially merge multiple occurances into a single call to the signal
handler. The other methods would allow you to work around this.
3. Efficiency. I have not looked at the code for Linux, but often signal
handling takes more work than waiting on read() or ioctl().
4. poll() gives you a timeout.
5. select() allows you to wait on several different descriptors.
SBS Technologies, Connectivity Products
... solutions for real-time connectivity
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