Got here old wireless aironet devices.
They are in principle ethernet, but with multipoint Access Point topology
endnodes can not see each other. Sort of ethernet with broken-by-design
collision-detection. With long-distance links and multipoint together it
is quite a problem with old wireless - and could be reduced.
There are also security problems.
There was discussion about compression in cipe development list.
I guess, to make such general compression and encryption, that would make
sense in device queue level.
For example, to have the code and nice proc user interface for to lookup
which MAC addresses are capable of receiving those proprietary frames(i.e.
are linux routers).
That code could
1. collect - for aironet it would be good to collect about 30-80ms of tcp
acks and other small packets by which endnodes disturb central node RX.
For ordinary ethernet too for 10ms - I guess tcp ack of 1/15 maxmtu size
takes about 1/3 maxmtu packet transmit time when other stations are not
2. compress - there was a report on cipe development list on some nice
short-text-dictionary compressing.
3. encrypt - that would allow much cleaner cryptotunnels for example here
for me - to get antisniffing protection in ethernet hub network. It is
quite pain to have double sets of firewall rules, IP point2point tunnels,
any ideas, suggestions expected.
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