vfat issues

Petr Sebor (petr@scssoft.com)
Sun, 29 Aug 1999 17:52:49 +0200


I have noticed an unpleasant behavior of vfat kernel driver when
working with win partitions. I am not sure, if there is any
reason for what's going on, but if it is, yell at me...

First annoying thing that happens to me quite often ( can't swear
it is 100% all the time ) is creation of directiories under linux
and working with them under windows. When I create directory
'test' for example ( in lowercase ), I see it as 'TEST' in uppercase
in windoze... Linux 'TEST' was 'test' in windows again... simply..
mismatched case... However, 'Test' produces what is expected.

The second thing is, that I can't rename one directory to
one with the same name, but with different case. I know that
windows ( 98 at least ) do ignore filename case, but I think
vfat driver could recognize I am trying to rename the directory,
not trying to move it anywhere...

Can somebody look at this ?

Petr Sebor

Petr Sebor
Technology/Engine Development
SCS Software [ http://www.scssoft.com ]

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