> Hooks for _strong_ encryption are, weak crypto (as rot13 _very_ clearly
> is) is exportable (see your netscape browser). The other question is
> whether the prohibition of crypto in e.g. France and Russia
> covers/covered rot13. I think not. Rot13 is nothing that can be
> considered _encryption_ anymore...?
Netscape has to get a license to export their browsers because they
contain crypto code.
I read the regulations once to see what kind of crypto I could put into
a piece of software and not have to get an export license. I thought
there was some provision for being able to export things with less than
a 40 bit key. I was wrong. You have to get a license to export ANY
crypto code. If you use less than a 40 bit key your chances of getting
a license are improved, but you still have to get one.
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