Re: ZIP drive as /dev/sda1

Karsten N. Strand (
Mon, 06 Sep 1999 15:43:43 +0200

Thats pure BS! Actually a zip disk formatted as a "DOS" disk in Mac OS
makes puts the new partition on entry 1. When it comes to Mac OS
disks, its not just the numbering that differs, but the whole partition
scheme. Those are the only ones that are incompatible between
windoze/mac os.
When it comes to Linux, it have no problems reading mac partitioned
oh course (as long as you compiled support for it in the kernel). wrote:
> Zip disks come partitioned as the fourth partition to allow MacOS to access
> them. Your tools disc, if it has the MacOS software on it, should have two
> partitions. Changing a disc from partition 4 to partition 1 will break
> compatibility with MacOS, but not with Windows NT or Windows 95.
> I had my Zip drive set up as /dev/zip -> /dev/sdd4 and, in the course of
> dealing with the infamous click, I fdisked one disk with Windows 95's fdisk,
> making it /dev/sdd1. I tried using Linux's fdisk, cfdisk, and sfdisk to fix it.
> Even Iomega's format (long and short) didn't fix it. The way I finally return
> the disk to partition 4 was to boot into Windows 95, used the latest IomegaWare
> (downloadable from Iomega's web site) to create a boot (or system) disk on it.
> Jason Quartarone
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Karsten N. Strand

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