Does all it do is shove an id on the structure that is being selected on?
It seems that the BSDs have done this for a while, I think.
Here is the pipe structure definition. Notice pipe_sigio and pipe_set.
The selinfo struct is beneath this. I just finised reading the select/poll
source last week. For anybody interested, there is also an article in the
Dr Dobbs archive about the BSD implementation of select and poll (just search
the archives for it).
* Per-pipe data structure.
* Two of these are linked together to produce bi-directional pipes.
struct pipe {
struct pipebuf pipe_buffer; /* data storage */
struct pipemapping pipe_map; /* pipe mapping for direct I/O */
struct selinfo pipe_sel; /* for compat with select */
struct timespec pipe_atime; /* time of last access */
struct timespec pipe_mtime; /* time of last modify */
struct timespec pipe_ctime; /* time of status change */
struct sigio *pipe_sigio; /* information for async I/O */
struct pipe *pipe_peer; /* link with other direction */
u_int pipe_state; /* pipe status info */
int pipe_busy; /* busy flag, mostly to handle rundown s
anely */
* Used to maintain information about processes that wish to be
* notified when I/O becomes possible.
struct selinfo {
pid_t si_pid; /* process to be notified */
short si_flags; /* see below */
#define SI_COLL 0x0001 /* collision occurred */
(A collision is when multiple processes wait on a single io event).
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