> Hallo !!
Bitte sprich Englisch.
Rough translation in []:
> Hardware :
> - Tyam Multiprozessorboard TYN Tomcat IV, Bios V1.02 (Award)
> - zwei Pentium 233
[two P233]
I hope you have the multiprocessor-capable version of these processors.
> - 512 MB RAM (64MB-Module)
> - Raid-Controller Mylex DAC960 unter RAID 5 mit 4 mal IBM 8GB-Platten
[said RAID controller, using 4 harddisks of 8GB each in a RAID5 array]
> und SUSE 6.1. mit Kernel 2.2.7
> Das Problem : Mit dem Boot-Kernel startet das System fehlerfrei mit den 512
> MB Ram, aber sobald der Standartkernel installiert ist und Linux anfängt mit
> beiden Prozessoren zu arbeiten(unsere Vermutung), stürzt der Kerrnel ab.
[The installation kernel from the SuSE distribution works flawlessly,
however the kernel for normal operations supplied by SuSE crashes. This
kernel is SMP enabled, and our assumption is that this happens when
working with both processors]
This is a bit unclear... :-)
When exactly does the crash happen, is there a message, is the crash
reproducible, does it work if you disable SMP but use this kernel, how is
the kernel configured, what chipset do you use (I don't know that
mainboard), what devices are there, etc.
Please see the file /usr/src/linux/Documentation/oops-tracing.
> Hat jemand ähnlicher Erfahrungen mit dieser Hardware oder allgemein unter
> Multiprozessorbetrieb gemacht ?
[Has anyone experienced similar things with this kind of hardware or with
multi-processing in general?]
Much sh*t has hit the fan since SMP support was introduced, and many
things have been fixed. Try to compile a recent kernel, if the machine is
going to be a server (which I judge from the RAID), this is an absolute
<HOLYWAR>(And SuSE distro is not really suited for servers BTW.)</HOLYWAR>
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