Re: numerical username
Khimenko Victor (
Tue, 7 Sep 1999 19:16:23 +0400 (MSD)
In <> Anton Ivanov ( wrote:
> On 07-Sep-99 Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:
>> In article <>,
>> ywlee <> wrote:
>>>does anyone know where to change in the kernel so that I can begin
>>>my username with numerical symbols? and also allows more than 8
>> The kernel doesn't know about usernames, only about user ids. This is
>> a userspace (glibc) issue. I think libc5 did indeed limit you to
>> 8 characters, but who uses libc5 nowadays ;)
>> So if you use glibc, you can have long usernames. If they may or
>> may not start with a number depends more on the tools on the rest
>> of your system.
> There is a whole bunch of apps that will dislike you if the name is
> non-conventiional. ntalk for example dislikes dots, quota and other user utils
> dislike long names, etc, etc, etc.
ntalk will dislike long names (>11 characters long) as well. Quota... Hmm...
What's broken there ?
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