Caldera is distributing the source code to their Netware client on Linux.
It knows how to talk to NDS and perform NDS authentication. You can get the
code at It provides all the functionality of the
Windows NT and DOS NDS clients for Netware.
----- Original Message -----
From: Petr Vandrovec Ing. VTEI <>
To: <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: NetWare NDS and Linux
> From: Juan J Casero <>
> > Hi Folks -
> > Is there any way to login to a NetWare NDS server under Linux? I am
> > to mount a particular server's file system using the ncpmount command
> > if I could login to the NDS server I believe that would give me access
> > the directory tree available to our users from a single mount point.
> > Forgive me if the question seems trivial but I have limited experience
> > with NetWare systems.
> Hi Juan,
> no, it is not possible. It would require user authentication in kernel
> space (which is impossible due to U.S. crypto laws & maybe some patents)
> or tight connection to some userspace daemon (which I'm lazy to write...).
> Also, I do not see any reason for this. Of course, it could be nice if
> you can modify object properties by dd/cat/vi, but I do not think that it
> good idea. You can write some nice userspace tool like 'netadmin'...
> Infrastructure should be there in ncpfs- (delayed for another
> month).
> Maybe I'll forced to implement some kernel-level NDS support
> after Novell finishes DSS (distributed storage services), but last time
> I asked there was even no API for >4GB files (they are accessible from
> server only :-( ), and everything about 'junctions', sharing physical
> space between volumes and so on was only on paper, pre-alpha or demo...
> Maybe this changed during vacation, but I do not believe.
> If you have some problem for which you need NDS access, please mail
> me directly (or through list, which is right place
> to ask NCP/NDS questions)...
> Best regards,
> Petr Vandrovec
> -
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