> As the development cycle shortens this will become more feasible.
The Linux development cycle has not been shortening. I would love to see
it shorten, but I'm not holding my breath. I've given up on hoping that
2.4 will be out faster than 1.0, 1.2, or 2.0. I'm still hoping it makes
it out faster than 2.2 did.
> the reality is PC hardware changes constantly: ACPI, USB, ..., the list
> is very long. Are you really suggesting that we only support new
> processor variants or chipsets (like Athlon or the Intel 810/820) in
> the development kernels until the next stable release?
Yes. Such a change would shorten the development cycle because it would
change the pressure on Alan and Linus from delaying feature freezes to
enforcing feature freezes. I think many features would become available
in the new stable kernel series faster than they would have been back
ported to the old series. It would also save much duplication of effort,
which I think could be better put to use on new development.
M Carling
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