would someone of you so kind and port Alan's 'new' MTRR 1.35a stuff from
2.2.12 to 2.3.17+???
I own an AMD Athlon 500 and had no luck with it.
Thank you very much.
--- Dieter Nützel Graduate Student, Computer ScienceUniversity of Hamburg Department of Computer Science Cognitive Systems Group Vogt-Kölln-Straße 30 D-22527 Hamburg, Germany
email: Dieter Nützel <nuetzel@kogs.informatik.uni-hamburg.de> @home: Dieter Nützel <dieter.nuetzel@arcormail.de> _________________________________________________________
Vote for DRI (Direct Rendering Infrastructure) for Linux. Because I do 3D medical visualization as my thesis. _________________________________________________________
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