How about recommending to your Wall Street crowd that they only use
kernel updates as provided by the distribution vendor they choose? I'd
find it quite shocking and frankly unbelievable that companies that are
always looking for someone to sue should they have problems would
internally develop their own distributions or use "raw" kernel updates.
Using distribution "kernels" is the safest and "stablest" method for
them to keep up to date and remain "secure."
I don't think I can say this loud enough but, there is no reason that
people who are not "developers" should be using even stable kernel
releases. Many probably would not agree with that, but there have been
so many patches installed by distributions that a user would have to
integrate in order to continue using their system shoud they make a
"custom" kernel that they would have to be knowledgable enough to
handle the userland updates themselves. I think this whining and
bickering about putting a "real" RAID system into the "stable" kernel
is unbelieveable.
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