This is included below.
> : However, the F9 and F10 keys send out c0 and c1, respectively, so
> Not some entirely different code. The make codes are not 60 and 61 hex?
Yes, that's what I meant. I was typing from memory. I can try to get a
picture of the keyboard posted on a web page somewhere, if anyone is
curious as to what it looks like (or can translate the Japanese on the
Meta-type keys at the bottom.)
# These are across the top of the keyboard.
0x58 0xd8 F1
0x59 0xd9 F2
0x5a 0xda F3
0x5b 0xdb F4
0x5c 0xdc F5
0x5d 0xdd F6
0x5e 0xde F7
0x5f 0xdf F8
0x60 0xe0 F9
0x61 0xe1 F10
0x62 0xe2 F11
0x63 0xe3 F12
0x76 0xf6 Break
0x77 0xf7 Setup
# top row
0x64 0xe4 Esc
0x02 0x82 1
0x03 0x83 2
0x04 0x84 3
0x05 0x85 4
0x06 0x86 5
0x07 0x87 6
0x08 0x88 7
0x09 0x89 8
0x0a 0x8a 9
0x0b 0x8b 0
0x0c 0x8c -
0x0d 0x8d =
0x29 0xa9 `
0x0e 0x8e Backspace
# 2nd row
0x0f 0x8f Tab
0x10 0x90 Q
0x11 0x91 W
0x12 0x92 E
0x13 0x93 R
0x14 0x94 T
0x15 0x95 Y
0x16 0x96 U
0x17 0x97 I
0x18 0x98 O
0x19 0x99 P
0x1a 0x9a [
0x1b 0x9b ]
0x79 0xf9 Del
0x6e 0xee Line Feed
# 3rd row
0x38 0xb8 Ctrl
0x1e 0x9e A
0x1f 0x9f S
0x20 0xa0 D
0x21 0xa1 F
0x22 0xa2 G
0x23 0xa3 H
0x24 0xa4 J
0x25 0xa5 K
0x26 0xa6 L
0x27 0xa7 ;
0x28 0xa8 '
0x75 0xf5 \
0x1c 0x9c Return
# 4th row
0x2a 0xaa Shift_L
0x2c 0xac Z
0x2d 0xad X
0x2e 0xae C
0x2f 0xaf V
0x30 0xb0 B
0x31 0xb1 N
0x32 0xb2 M
0x33 0xb3 ,
0x34 0xb4 .
0x35 0xb5 /
0x3a 0xba (unknown)
0x36 0xb6 Shift_R
# bottom row
0x1d 0x9d Caps Lock
0x71 0xf1 Alt_L
0x01 0x81 (unknown)
0x39 0xb9 Space
0x45 0xc5 (unknown)
0x72 0xf2 Alt_R
0x46 0xc6 (unknown)
# numeric keypad. No "grey" section on the keyboard.
0x47 0xc7 7
0x48 0xc8 8
0x49 0xc9 9
0x54 0xd4 Keypad -
0x4b 0xcb 4
0x4c 0xcc 5
0x4d 0xcd 6
0x37 0xb7 Keypad +
0x4f 0xcf 1
0x50 0xd0 2
0x51 0xd1 3
0x4e 0xce Keypad Enter
0x52 0xd2 0
0x78 0xf8 Up
0x53 0xd3 Keypad .
0x56 0xd6 Left
0x55 0xd5 Down
0x7d 0xfd Right
0x7e 0xfe Keypad ,
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