Re: More Amiga RDSK partition woes

Jes Sorensen (
14 Sep 1999 20:59:00 +0200

>>>>> "Benny" == BennyBoy <> writes:

Benny> After discovering that 2.2.x and Amiga partitions do not
Benny> happily co-exist. And after learning that AFFS in 2.3.6+
Benny> (IIRC) is broken due to a page cache rewrite. I decided to give
Benny> 2.0.38 a try...

RDB partition support works fine in 2.3.x, however I haven't tested it
in a little endian machine.

Benny> Only to find that since my Amiga HD has been in a win9x
Benny> machine, since being removed from my trusty A1200, that the RDB
Benny> has been trashed.

Known problem, long live M$ ;-( I thought Hans-Joachim did a
workaround for it.

Benny> Who is maintaining AFFS in 2.3? Will it be fixed before 2.4?
Benny> (pretty please)

Hans-Joachim Widmaier ( used to, dunno if he is
too busy these days.


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