It has occured with the DVD drive when trying to mount a disk, and
with VMware when it tries to access the CDrom drive(/dev/hdc).
I have seen it at other times as well, although sporadically.
-- Evan Van Dyke E-mail: Page: ICQ#: 15442232 DNRC's Minister of Lost Internet Packets. O- Amateur Radio Call Sign: KB8PVE Elder ResCon at NorthwesternGCS/S d+(-) s:+ a--- C++++ UH+I++L++++S++V++++ P+ L+++>++++ E W++ N++ w-- O- M-- !V PS+ PE+ Y+ PGP t+ 5+++ X+ R+ tv+ b+++ DI++++ D+ g e h !r y-
"Quoth the Raven... 'Nevermore!'" --Edgar Allen Poe "I'll bet that all you can do is watch the ball bounce around the screen. --Dilbert to Management
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