> --------- Received message begins Here ---------
> > From: Pavel Machek <pavel@atrey.karlin.mff.cuni.cz>
> > Hi!
> >
> > > > Sorry. I of course wanted _interrupts_ to be delivered to
> > > > userspace. The code to do so (I believe it was chardevice) was already
> > > > posted to l-k but I can not find it :-(... I do not want to reinvent
> > > > the wheel.
> > >
> > > You cant do it for PCI. You have to write a custom irq handler that does
> > > all that is needed to clear the IRQ then posts something out
> >
> > BTW why not? Assuming shared interrupts:
> >
> > IRQ cames,
> >
> > my driver blocks interrupt and tells userspace
> >
> > userspace notices it is not its interrupt and tells kernel
> >
> > kernel unblocks and sends interrupt to next driver in chain
> >
> > As long as you don't share interrupt with disk driver (or if you have
> > userspace driver pagelocked), there will not be deadlocks.
> >
> > Of course it will be dog slow. It will introduce incredible
> > latencies. But it might even work.
> Potential deadlock is caused by the userspace process:
> 1. interrupt arrives
> 2. (other drivers called)
> 3. user space driver called
> 4. userspace driver (for some reason) needs page from disk
> 5. kernel needs new page, needs I/O
> 6. hang - IRQ not dismissed.... system dead....
> Granted this is a potential, not a guranteed failure. I wouldn't want
> to share IRQs just because of the difficulty in debugging. Thats more
> for something in final integration testing, not development, which is
> all a userspace driver would be good for.
Let me tell you a bit how User Level Interrupts (ULI) are done in IRIX 6.5
in the React/PRO extension.
They have a few rules as to what you can do in such a beast. Firstly you
are not allowed to block. Secondly page faults are out of the question.
You have to lock memory (using mlock) you plan to use. If a page fault
occurs your app receives a SEGV. No system calls are allowed. Use of the
FPU is not allowed.
In short you can just barely set a special semaphore and do some minimal
computations and that's it.
Gee why would they put in these restrictions.... (answer above).
The trick is of course that these rules are strictly enforced by the OS.
And to get this enforcement is a neat trick (might not be trivial).
-- Robert de Vries rhdv@rhdv.cistron.nl
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