> > >Note that on a 32-bit machine, toff_t, used as fpos_t, for file offsets,
> > >i.e., lseek, is unsigned 32 bits. You will not be able to access such a
> > >file on a 32-bit machine.
> > Sure you will; either via the traditional start-at-the-front and
> > read 'til you're finished method, or relative lseek, or llseek.
> I note you deleted the rest of the answer including the working being
> done with the long-long on Linux. This abuse is unconsionable.
Excuse me?
``abuse'' ?
That word does not mean what you think it means. If I had called you
a moron or told you to take a valium, that might possibly be abuse,
but this is not.
Take your hand off the trigger and try to think before you reply.
david parsons \bi/ Perhaps a nice long vacation?
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