2.3.18ac[4] PCMCIA...
John Michael Clemens (clemej@rpi.edu)
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 06:33:21 -0400 (EDT)
what is the status of the PCMCIA merge? I can't seem to get 2.3.18ac4 to
compile on my laptop, and it's barfing on the pcmcia code in
drivers/pcmcia (i have it trying to compile in, and not as a module).
After changing some things in the makefile in that directory, it compiled
and built a pcmcia_core.o file. But on linking the entire kernel, it
seemed to be looking for a pcmcia.o file in that directory which does not
exist. Haven't tried it as a module yet....
Any pointers? Alan?
- --
/* John Clemens http://www.rpi.edu/~clemej _/ I like cats too, */
/* ICQ: 7175925 clemej@rpi.edu _/ Lets exchange recipies */
/* RPI Comp. Eng. 2000, Linux Parllel/Network/OS/Driver Specialist */
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