At least it handled the Y2K rollover correctly ;-).
Before my auto accident in March, I was sysadminning an engineering lab at
my university. My main server (Gateway 2000 G6-200, PPro 200/256, running
rh5.0/2.0.36) had this problem. The clock would warp forward (and
occasionally backward), with no explanation. Unfortunately, I can't debug
this anymore, as in my absence someone decided that the machine asking for
a full e2fsck meant the drive was dead, and fdisk'ed/NT'ed the box.
But I feel your pain. My box Y2K'ed on Nov 29 1998 (and Jan 26 1999 and
Feb 13 1999).
o/~ Leeets dooo the tiiiiime waaaaaarp aaagaaaaaaain o/~
Ah well.
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