> Coupe of points:
> 1) The changes to the tr code in 2.1.107 truly do allow for the
> drivers to be totally independent, I know ibmtr still does some header
The syskonnect driver does work in 2.1.107 with no problems (that was the
first release that it was in the mainstream kernel).
> 2) Header length: Yep, the maximum for this changed when the source
> routing went up from 18 to 30 bytes in the token ring spec.
I'll see if thats a problem.
> 3) TMS380 Chip: I'd be suprised if you can get a generic driver for
> this. The 380 is the chip that actually does all the clever
> electrical stuff to generate the signals on the wire. It is the
> actual card / bus interface chip that you'll need to get at. (e.g. the
The generic cards I'm talking about use the complete TI chipset (ie, they
use the TMS380PCIA for the PCI interface, which directly attaches the
TMS380C25+54 or TMS380C30 to PCI).
--- Adam Fritzler { mid@auk.cx, afritz@iname.com} http://www.auk.cx/~mid/ "Something in my systray is blinking wildly." -- DS
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