On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 11:45:00AM +0200, Lech Szychowski wrote:
> 2.3.18ac7 seems to break Tulip card detection here, too.
> Replacing 0.91m with 0.89H (from plain 2.3.18) seems
> to fix the problem.
tulip drivers always cause trouble, sigh!
There have been three drivers evaluated with two different cards (and having
the feedback from the customers ...), before shipping SuSE6.2
Here are the sad results:
old 2114x new 21143
tulip.c:v0.89H 5/23/98 starts dropping packets not detected
after a while
tulip.c:v0.90 10/20/98 OK not detected
tulip.c:v0.91e 5/27/99 hanging on detection OK
So we shipped 0.90 and 0.91e ("tulip-new"). Not exactly what we like to do.
If sb. is gonna fix this: I don't remember details about the NIC's versions,
but I could find out.
Kurt Garloff <garloff@suse.de> Wuppertal, FRG
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