> So, basically, my question is this: Where should I start? My C is
> pretty good, I'm fairly au fait with all the popular distributions, and
> I've got a fairly wide selection of hardware to test things on.
> Eric Raymond suggests becoming a beta tester, and I figure he knows
> what he's talking about. I'd be grateful if anyone could point me in the
> direction of a list of things that need testing, or feel free to bug me
> if you want me to test your own stuff.
> General pointers to sites, FAQs and lists welcomed.
Well, I think the best way may be to monitor this mailing list for
patches from kernel hackers, and try out patches that are posted here. You
may want to start w/ a subset of folks (DaveM, mingo, Alan Cox, Linus, others
who are in the maintainers file..), though it depends... I tend to watch
those a little closer (Andrea-something, can't spell the name correctly).
Then basically report back to here w/ info on what happens w/ the
patches, if they work, if they don't why they don't, etc. If you want to
learn about the kernel, try and piece apart what the patch is doing, and
then if you run into bugs either see about finding a solution on your own,
or watch what others do w/ the patch that fixes it or changes it's behavior.
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