Re: Lockups with kernel 2.2.12 and 2.2.10
Wade Hampton (
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 09:18:48 -0400
Sven Koch wrote:
> On Thu, 23 Sep 1999, Todd Chauvin wrote:
> > I have been experiencing occasional lockups with kernels 2.2.10 and
> > (now) 2.2.12. In all the cases, the system locks hard -- none of the
> > usual tricks work from the console. I am unable to log into the
> > machine remotely, but for some odd reason the machine DOES respond to
> > ping. The _only_ way to recover the machine is to push the reset button.
> > Not a single thing is written to any of the system log files.
> I've seen the same with 2.2.12pre6 here, AMD K5, PCI-NE2k Ethernet, 48mb
> RAM, S3-Virge. Installed is a heavily customized SuSE 5.3 (libc5), gcc
I've had this type of crash as well. Are you using NFS? As a NFS
I can get my machine to lockup almost every time after loading the
with copying files from an NFS server, then typing a few simple commands
on the NFS client. See my previous posting for full details. After my
lockup, I can ping the machine. The SYSRQ keys do work. Are you
W. Wade, Hampton <>
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