Re: Turning lucent winmodem into soundcard (RT-Linux -when?)
Audin Malmin (
Thu, 23 Sep 1999 15:04:20 -0700
On Wed, Sep 22, 1999 at 02:51:54AM +0000, Steve Underwood wrote:
> Jon Bright wrote:
> > On an unrelated note, and further off-topic - does anyone know of a modem that
> > will *currently* work with Linux, and which returns 'RING' or 'RINGING' when
> > the other end is ringing (and ATX4 or similar is selected)? It's a bit of an
> > unusual requirement, I realise, and seems to be something modem manufacturers
> > have silently stopped doing. I'm on the list, but I think replies would be
> > better directed straight to me.
> This is almost impossible to do reliably. There are now so many ring back tones
> in use, and many of them are "proprietary". Would detecting only the major
> nationally standardised ring backs and missing the others be very useful? I don't
> know about this being dropped. I've never seen a modem that does it. They only
> output RING when the local line is ringing.
Back in the 2400 days modems used to do this. My no-brand
internal 2400 could do it, but not reliably. This feature seemed to
fade away with 9600 and 14400 modems. My Supra 144i didn't do it, but
some others did...again unreliably.
Audin Malmin -
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