> > ls is fixable. Possibly by extending "ls -l" to show acl's or at
> > least indicate in some way that acl's are present. The latter may
> > be preferable to avoid script incompatibilities, sonething like this:
> > Arw-r--r-- 1 helge helge 140 Feb 9 1999 .bash_profile
> > The 'A' indicates that acl(s) are present, the user may then use
> > something like "ls --acl" and get the full acl information.
> Due to the possible size of the ACL (it is a list, after all), the UNIX
> ls command should not try to implement a "--acl". They could list up
> to 256 ACL entries, which would definitely be a pain in a "ls -R --acl".
> They only show a flag to indicate an ACL exists. It would be up to the
> user to select an appropriate utility to display the ACL for a file/directory.
> Consider: ls is used as a search tool to locate certain files that match a
> pattern. To exend ls to be able to search an ACL to match a pattern would
> be unreasonable; but it is reasonable for a dedicated utility.
This brings up another issue.
Who is allowed to see what ACLs are in place?
I know I would feel pretty insulted if I looked at a friend's ACL and he
gave everyone BUT me LOOKUP access to his directories. It'd also suck
for that person if I found out. :)
--Michael Bacarella
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