irq 0: 6507260 timer irq 6: 3
irq 1: 25880 keyboard irq 10: 277422 NE2000
irq 2: 0 cascade [4] irq 13: 1 fpu
irq 4: 128804 serial irq 14: 229244 ide0
irq 5: 44716209 soundblaster irq 15: 3 ide1
Doesn't the interrupt count for IRQ5 look a little high in comparison with
the timer count? Could this be an indication as to what's causing the poor
When the system is sitting idle in GNOME/Enlightenment with a couple of
xterms running, the load is in the 3-5 range which seems abnormal as well.
Any assistance is appreciated. I can provide any more additional
information as necessary.
Mike Frisch Email:
Northstar Technologies WWW:
Newmarket, Ontario, CANADA
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