Re: ordered memory access

Jes Sorensen (
30 Sep 1999 14:39:59 +0200

>>>>> "Manfred" == Manfred Spraul <> writes:

Manfred> Jes Sorensen wrote:
>> atomic_foo() should be ordered, at least that the idea behind it as
>> far as I understand.

Manfred> That might be the idea, but that's not the implementation:
Manfred> Pentium III documentation: (24319201.pdf)

Right, intuitively I would expect an atomic operation to guarantee
read/write ordering though, however if this is not what we want, we
should at least document it.

Manfred> I've read that rmb() is expensive on RISC architectures, what
Manfred> about adding "get_?mb()" functions?

rmb() is still less expensive than plain mb().


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