> attempt to access beyond end of device
> 08:03: rw=0, want=1852793648, limit=6554520
> 08:03: rw=0, want=795306343, limit=6554520
> 08:03: rw=0, want=796093551, limit=6554520
> 08:03: rw=0, want=946828138, limit=6554520
> Hmm - some days ago I muttered that it was a computed value
> that is printed here, so unlikely to be anything recognizable,
> but here it is
> /con
> fig/
> nls/
> iso8
It's the block number, not the sector number. The block numbers are
of course stored somewhere in the filesystem. For example in an
inode block (the quick access first few blocks) or an indirect
Still: Possible causes are abundant.
DMA into the wrong place (either overwriting the info we had
cached or not overwriting what was in the intended buffer
Bit errors in memory. Pointer to data falls over. This should
normally be accompanied by Oopsen, and sig11's during kernel
Bit errors while transferring data from disk. This time a bit
pointing to an indirect block must've been changed, leading
to the wrong block getting accessed as the indirect block.
Driver bug, scribbling random memory. Again I'd expect more
Oopsen. Hmm. If the bug is to use memory that has just been
freed, the bug will always have a valid pointer , previnting
the oops... Hmm.
-- ** R.E.Wolff@BitWizard.nl ** http://www.BitWizard.nl/ ** +31-15-2137555 ** *-- BitWizard writes Linux device drivers for any device you may have! --* ------ Microsoft SELLS you Windows, Linux GIVES you the whole house ------
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