> In a related note, I recently noticed that the `struct dirent` ,
> /usr/include/direntry.h, contains a d_type field that is always
> zero. This makes it necessary to make additional calls to lstat
> to find out the nature of a file. This may be a 'C' library problem,
> but defining '__USE_BSD' (see /usr/include/dirent.h) didn't fill
> in the field.
This is no C library problem and also no bug in the kernel. It's
simply that I added the field since it's very useful but the kernel
wasn't extended to provide this information. As a default value 0 is
correct since it says that no information is available. I would very
much like the information to be passed up (since it is easily
available in the kernel) which will immediately lead to several
programs (like find, make) run faster.
-- ---------------. drepper at gnu.org ,-. 1325 Chesapeake Terrace Ulrich Drepper \ ,-------------------' \ Sunnyvale, CA 94089 USA Cygnus Solutions `--' drepper at cygnus.com `------------------------- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to majordomo@vger.rutgers.edu Please read the FAQ at http://www.tux.org/lkml/