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On Mon, 11 Oct 1999, Garst R. Reese wrote:
> Compile fails with msg.
> bbootsect.s:1090 Error `$al' not allowed with`outw'
> Sounds reasonable to me, but probably allowed in gcc-, but not in
> gcc-2.95 or maybe recent binutils. Anyway, patch attached changes the al
> to ax.
> Garst
You're right, my binutils/gcc comination didn't pick it up; but the proper
fix should also zero out all of %ax as well to be safe, lest we have a
non-zero %ah. uPatch attached.
Also, many thanks to Alan, Linus or whomever is responsible for merging my
bootcode patch so fast (which caused this little buglet, of course) :)
Chris Noe
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