Re: Bug? 2.2.12

Min-Ken Lai (
Tue, 12 Oct 1999 04:11:53 -0400 (EDT)

On Tue, 12 Oct 1999, Steve Dodd wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 11, 1999 at 06:35:45PM -0400, Min-Ken Lai wrote:
> > I have a zombie on my system that won't die with 'kill -9'...
> > Extract from 'ps ux' output:
> > ml267 24078 0.6 6.8 4304 2120 pts/1 S 18:06 0:08 [enlightenment]
> [..]
> That's not a zombie. It's in allegedly /interruptible/ sleep. Weird. Do you
> know what it was trying to do? Kernel version? Is it reproducible?

Sorry about this, but I grabbed the wrong "ps ux" line. I followed up
with the real zombie:

ml267 290 0.1 0.0 5128 0 ? DW Oct10 2:18 [enlightenment]

I was just merrily doing regular tasks: cruising the net with a netscape,
over ssh, and chatting with people on a BBS, and suddenly my window
manager stopped responding.
I tried to close it, but it refused to respond, then I tried all the
different kill signals, and none of them helped. With no other choice, I
hit Ctrl-Alt-Bksp. I successfully broke out of X, but after that, I found
that the zombie is now a child of init in the ps tree.

- Ken <please CC to me>

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