> In article <linux.kernel.199910121901.NAA26203@vindaloo.ras.ucalgary.ca>,
> Richard Gooch <rgooch@ras.ucalgary.ca> wrote:
> >david parsons writes:
> >> Richard, if I produced an emasculated version of the patch that only
> >> populates a flat filesystem with major and minor numbers required,
> >> would you accept it?
> >I doubt it. I can't see the point. I'm not willing to sacrifice useful
> >features for the sake of satisfying some people's idealogical vision
> >of purity. I've spent more time than I should have explaining why I
> >think that vision is flawed.
> I can certainly understand that, but I'm an impatient sort and I
> really really REALLY want to have a devfs in the kernel; a flat
> filesystem[1] isn't any worse than 100-e% of the current Linux
> systems are, and if it would put a devfs into the mainline kernel
> that would still be better than the traditional way of doing things.
It'd be much better if devfs entered the mainstream kernel in it's full
shine and glory. The circumsized version is a very bad kludge - if Richard
would allow it to the kernel we would have _NEVER_ had the full-blown devfs.
There will be helluva lotta reasoning that it's ok as it is, that one can
use some another horrible kludge to get the desired behaviour with existing
implementation, that 2.9.x is featurefreezed and may be we'll make some
changes in 3.7.x etc. etc....
The ideological purity is a good thing, but unfortunately it's of no use
most of the time. It's just like islamic fundamentalism... The devfs is good,
it does really work, it's mature enough to be used on the vast majority of
Linux servers and workstations (we're actually one of the biggest ISP in
Ukraine and we do use it all over our wide network of miscellaneous servers
and workstations - works like a charm, we did not have _ANY_ devfs-related
problems so far. Some of our servers are already up for 6+ months...)
So we want it all :)) It's much better to have the real thing as a kernel
patch (very well maintained so far) then a circumsized down the very root
invalid into the mainstream kernel...
I do really hope that Richard has enough guts to not trait the really
good thing for the doubtful honour of having his name mentioned in the
kernel's Hall of Fame...
Sergey Kubushin aka the Tamer < > The impossible we do immediately.
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