2.3.22: bug in sched.c:573

Bob_Tracy (rct@gherkin.sa.wlk.com)
Mon, 18 Oct 1999 19:06:07 -0500 (CDT)

Booted my machine on 2.3.22 this evening, and it locked up hard just
after complaining about a kernel bug in sched.c at line 573. The
context is as follows:

asmlinkage void schedule(void)
struct schedule_data * sched_data;
struct task_struct *prev, *next, *p;
struct list_head *tmp;
int this_cpu, c;

if (!current->active_mm) BUG();
if (tq_scheduler)
goto handle_tq_scheduler;

As far as what was happening at the time, I had just booted the machine
and it was starting up syslogd and klogd.

--Bob Tracy

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