schedule_timeout() semantics/usage?

David Hinds (
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 13:12:46 -0700

I hadn't really appreciated the fact that schedule_timeout() doesn't
guarantee anything about how long it will sleep. Now, looking at
usage in the driver tree, there are hundreds of cases where the exit
status is ignored. These might all be cases where drivers don't
actually care about the length of the delay, but comments in the code
imply otherwise.

Looking at the handful of uses that do check the exit status, I'm also
not sure about what is the proper way to use schedule_timeout() to
guarantee a delay of a certain duration. Am I right that the
following is kosher?

do {
current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
timeout = schedule_timeout(timeout);
} while (timeout);
current->state = TASK_RUNNING;

-- Dave Hinds

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