To: "Linux Kernel Mailing List (E-mail)" <>
cc: (bcc: Sergey Tsybanov/San Jose/Memco Software)
Subject: Anyway to mknod from kernel?
Yes where is.
Switch data argument segment from user space to kernel space and
just call
sys_call_table[ SYS_unlink] ( "/dev/MY_DRIVER_NAME")
sys_call_table[ SYS_mknod] ( ....blah...blah....blah... )\
I could send you exacly code for 2.2.3 if you want.
Sergey Tsybanov
Original message:
Is there any way for the kernel module to do the 'mknod' commands from
within the module? I would rather have the code create the inode rather than
needing a separate script that creates each of the minor device numbers.
Has anyone done this in one of their device drivers?
SBS Technologies, Connectivity Products
... solutions for real-time connectivity
Bret Indrelee, Engineer
SBS Technologies, Inc., Connectivity Products
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