I am running an 8-node beowulf cluster with RedHat
6.0, upgraded to kernel 2.2.10-12 + MOSIX.
Recently I modified the setup so that all nodes
nfs mount the /home directory from the master
node. Since then I have been getting the following
error repeated on the master node's console:
find_fh_dentry: 03:05, 655504/655522 not found - need full search!
this is repeated MANY times, interspersed with
reports of various daemons running out of
memory,until I am unable to even login from the
out of memory for mingetty
I assume that this is a manifestation of the knfsd
problems experienced with 2.2.10 and since. Could
anyone suggest what the quickest/best fix is for
this? Is there a kernel patch? Do I have to
upgrade? Have the knfsd problems been sorted out
in later kernel releases?
Thanks for taking the time ...
-- Mark Gebhardt Radar Remote Sensing Group University of Cape Town South Africatel: +27 21 6503756 email: mark@rrsg.ee.uct.ac.za www: http://rrsg.ee.uct.ac.za
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