Just thought you might like to know that I've managed to run AIM VII
fserver to past crossover on a small Alpha configuration. It's only a
PC164 with 7 disks and 128MB of memory, but everything looks stable.
Both 0.0.2 and 0.0.2a wedged the filesystems under the AIM runs, but
0.0.2b ran cleanly. I'm going to hunt around for a bigger system (4CPU
rawhide, I hope :) to give it a more full beating, but this is a
definite good start.
While I can't share results directly (<insert expletive here>
lawyers...) I can say that it did scale pretty nicely, and leveled out
just around crossover. I'll try pushing it way past crossover and see
what happens (I dunno...maybe 50 users on this poor machine...who knows
;) Great work!
- Pete
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