I think Jeremy's on the right track. Processor speed is too fickle[1] and
bogomip re-calculation too expensive (and ugly) to keep.
Unfortunately, I don't see a truly portable way to do it. CPUs exist on
every machine (presumably!), and RTC doesn't. *sigh*
So, referring to the wrong track, if we accept there's no other timebase
method, then we might (and I'm talking out of my hat, here) better control
the APM hardware to detect what it intends to do to the system, and adjust
our bogomip constant with a multiplier.
If that's not possible for some probably obvious reason, feel free to
flame me.
- chad
[1] Even Intel's newer chip is labeled to run at six hundred and sixty
_seven_ megahertz[2]! If that's not a nod to the Jargon File's ``Great
Runes'' entry, I've never seen one.
[2] If you know how to underclock a CPU by that one cycle, mail chris@
surfsouth.com. He's really annoyed.
[3] Self-referential footnote[3]!
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