S3 Video Cards and VESAfb

(no name) ((no email))
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 10:38:32 +0000 (WET)

There is a patch running around that permits you to have VESAfb on S3
cards with a 1.2 VBE BIOS. My question is: Is it going to be part of the
mainstream kernels or not?

|Linux RuleZ Linux RuleZ Linux R|  F.C.T. da Universidade de Coimbra        |
|ux RuleZ Linux RuleZ Linux Rule|  Antonio Miguel Ferreira Marques Trindade |
|Jean-Michel Jarre is very cool!|  Coimbra, PORTUGAL		            |
| E-mail address: trindade@student.dei.uc.pt |2 OS/2 OS/2 OS/2 OS/2 OS/2 OS/|

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