> sorry to repeat this, but HFS is not safe. I just tried your 2.3.24
> kernel, and it booted on my Pmac 6400 (603ev processor, maybe this is
> the problem), which is more than I can say about the 2.3.24 kernels I
> compiled myself (it would be nice to see your .config file).
one of the machines i tested my patch/kernel on was a PowerBase200
(603ev also, infact its bascially a 6400), and i have not had any problems
with HFS in 2.3.23 with this fix. i've done many reads and writes, i
haven't had much time to use .24 but i will be fixing up .25 tonite
hopefully and i'll post another patch since there wasn't enuff time for
these fixes to get into .25 and i'll post the tomorrow hopefully with a
> When I mounted a HFS ZIP disk, I could read it OK, but copying a2MB
> file to it gave me an immediate system freeze with a 1-line error
> message "inode.c:250". The ZIP disk is unreadable now and has to be
> reformatted. This kind of thing happened before with 2.3.22 kernels. I'd
> like to try 2.3.25, but with all this undefined vm_offset stuff all over
> the place it is so horribly broken that I am unable to compile it.
this is something which really needs to be investigated, why its
happening to you but not to me and we have almost identical machines...
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