> > The names tell it. le32_to_cpu is used for convesions from 32bit little
> > endian data into CPUs endianness, cpu_to_le32 is used for convesions from
> > CPU endianness to little endian 32bit data.
> > Actually, both macros do the same thing, but one should make the differences
> > clear to make code more readable so that anyone can quickly find out whether
> > some data is kept in native endianness or some particular one.
> >
> Both macros do the same thing on all *currently supported*
> architectures. One never know when a funny thing from Mars shows up;
> perhaps a 48-bit architecture, who knows...
Honeywell had 9-bit based machines, that is longs / pointer were 36 bit.
I hope these machines are all on Mars today :-)
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